
Saturday, May 19, 2012


fingerprint /ˈfiNGgərˌprint/ is an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, esp. as used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern.

Video fingerprinting is a technique in which software identifies, extracts and then compresses characteristic components of a video, enabling that video to be uniquely identified by its resultant “fingerprint”. 

Video fingerprinting is technology that has proven itself to be effective at identifying and comparing digital video data.

Video fingerprinting analysis may be based on any number of visual video features including, but not limited to, key frame analysis, color and motion changes during a video sequence.
Types of fingerprints

There are three main types of fingerprints: visible prints, latent prints and impressed prints.

Visible prints are also called patent prints and are left in some medium, like blood, that reveals them to the naked eye. 

They can be when blood, dirt, ink or grease on the finger come into contact with a smooth surface and leave a friction ridge impression that is visible without development.
Latent fingerprints are nearly invisble to the naked eye.

Latent prints are not apparent to the naked eye. They are formed from the sweat from sebaceous glands on the body or water, salt, amino acids and oils contained in sweat. 

The sweat and fluids create prints must be developed before they can be seen or photographed. 

They can be made sufficiently visible by dusting, fuming or chemical reagents.

Impressed prints are also called plastic prints and are indentations left in soft pliable surfaces, such as clay, wax, paint or another surface that will take the impression.

 They are visible and can be viewed or photographed without development.

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