
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

At the doctors في الطبيب 在医生( zài yīshēng)

-Doctor:And now what is your problem?
-patient: I keep feeling pain in my stomach.
-doctor:Does it ache you a lot?
-patient:Yes, it is.
-doctor: Do you feel the pain before or after meals.
-patient: Usually after meals.
-doctor:Do you smoke?
-patient: Yes,I do.I am a heavy smoker.
-doctor:Stop smoking and you will feel better.
-patient:Will you describe me any medicine?
-doctor:Yes,I will but next week.
-patient:Thank you.

meals وجبات الطعام  膳食(shànshí)
heavy smoker ثقيلة المدخن 老烟枪(lǎo yān qiāng)
prescribe يصف 规定(guīdìng)

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