This word is written as color in American English and colour in British English;That is to say, is a property of light as seen by people.Red, yellow and blue are the three traditional primary colours. The primary colours for television screens and computer monitors are red, green and blue. Printers use magenta, yellow and cyan as their primary colours; they also use black.
The most common colour names are:
* Black * الأسود
* Gray * رمادي
* White * الأبيض
* Red * الأحمر
* Orange * أورانج
* Yellow * صفراء
* Green * الأخضر
* Blue * الأزرق
* Purple * بيربل
* Brown * براون
* Magenta * أرجواني
* Cyan * سماوي
* Olive * الزيتون
* Maroon * المارون
* Navy * البحرية
* Aquamarine * الزبرجد
* Turquoise * الفيروز
* Silver * الفضة
* Lime * الجير
* Teal * البط البري
* Indigo * نيلي
* Violet * البنفسج
* Pink * بينك